Mini-INPUT & Best of INPUT events
In recognition that a great many working TV professionals cannot make it to the main INPUT Conference each year, Mini-INPUT and Best of INPUT events, are held in more than 30 countries to allow greater access for all each year.
Mini-INPUT events focus on the edition in the same year, and take place after the INPUT Conference which is held each year in May. Best of INPUT events in contrast may focus on the previous three years of INPUT pre-ceding the event. These events are usually organised by the National Coordinators, the Goethe Institut and/or other partners of INPUT - depending on where the Mini-INPUT of Best of INPUT will take place.
All programmes for these events can be obtained from the INPUT Hubs. Please download the Mini-Input guidelines to ensure professionalism when organising either of these events.
INPUT Secretariat
INPUT - International Public TV Screening Conference
Kaiserdamm 80/81
14057 Berlin, Germany
Mini-INPUT events 2018 - 2024
Mini-INPUT events 2024
4-6 December 2024: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
30 November 2024: Barcelona, Spain
30 May 2024: Tokyo, Japan
Mini-INPUT events 2023
2 December 2023: Barcelona, Spain
22-24 November 2023: Medellín, Colombia
15-17 November 2023: Accra, Ghana
15 June 2023: NHK, Japan
21 June 2023: NHK, Japan
Mini-INPUT events 2022
26 November 2022: Barcelona, Spain
9 June 2022: NHK, Japan
Mini-INPUT events 2021
27 November 2021: Barcelona, Spain
Mini-INPUT events 2020
28 November 2020: Barcelona, Spain
Mini-INPUT events 2019
30-31 January 2019: Winnipeg, Manitoba
20-21 February 2019: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
18 March 2019: Ottawa, Ontario
Mini-INPUT events 2018
7 December 2018: Tokyo, Japan
5 December 2018: Halifax, Canada
22 November 2018: Toronto, Canada
1 December 2018: Barcelona, Spain
17 - 19 October 2018: Colombo, Sri Lanka
28 - 29 September 2018: Johannesburg, South Africa
10 - 18 September 2018: New Delhi, India
10 - 15 September 2018: Acra, Ghana
23 - 25 August 2018: Kolkata, India
30 May - 4 June 2018: Tokyo, Japan